Making time for spiritual
and physical renewal
The Church of England encourages its
ministers to go on study leave at regular
intervals but this is not just a time for rest,
as Rev’d David Walsh found out recently.
By Lesley Raymond
he Church’s policy varies
from diocese to diocese, but in
London we can take up to three
months’ study leave every 10 years except
in exceptional circumstances – for instance,
if we have just arrived at a new church,”
David explains. “I was ordained 12 years ago,
so I was actually overdue my study leave.
Financial help is available from the diocese
but there is a waiting list of up to three years.”
The benefit to the Anglican Church is that
their ministers come back refreshed, with
new skills and a broadened and deepened
outlook that can enhance their parish
ministry. At the same time, it helps members
of the parish to become less dependent
on the minister and to take more personal
responsibility for their church.
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