Ken Research - Infusion Pumps Suppliers in Australia
Australians Westernization and Lifestyle Diseases Boosts the Infusion Systems Market:
Ken Research
All the chronic diseases in Australia are accompanied with long lasting conditions and
persistent effects. Major chronic diseases in Australia are arthritis, asthma, back pain, cancer,
cardiovascular disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, diabetes and mental health
conditions, osteoporosis, other musculoskeletal diseases, chronic kidney disease, oral
diseases such as tooth decay and gum disease. Modernization over the last few years has led
to increase in the chronic diseases which are a burden to the Australian population. In
addition to the diseases, consumers are affected by the health-care costs and loss of
productive work due to illness. Australian health system is focused on prevention and better
management of chronic disease to improve health outcomes.
According to the study “Australia Infusion Systems Market Outlook to 2023”, infusion
pumps are medical devices used in healthcare facilities to inject fluids such as drugs,
nutrients, and blood in a controlled systematic manner. Infusion systems are identified as the
fundamental devices in the healthcare and life sciences industry. The increase in diseases and
patients has led to the increase in the utility of the infusion pumps at hospitals, Ambulatory
surgical centres (ASCs), and physician’s offices. The infusion pumps market has witnessed a
steady growth due to the presence of numerous vendors in local and international markets. To
improve their market positions, the global manufacturers of infusion pumps are investing in
research and development, and technological innovations. The global leading players of
infusion pumps are BD, Medtronic, Smiths Medical, Flowonix Medical, InfuSystem, Moog,
Medovex, and Zimmer Biomet.
Large hospitals in Australia are merged with medium and small hospitals to enhance the
quality of medical treatment by increasing the number of skilled medical professionals. This
merging improves capital investment, technology, and infrastructure of the small hospitals.
These improvements in the hospitals will increase the number of patients, provides
complicated treatments, and surgeries that need the infusion of drugs and fluids such as blood