Ken Research - Global Iron Ore Producing Companies
Global Iron Ore Producing Companies
The report titled “Global Iron Ore Mining to 2021-Demand from Asian Countries Specially
India to Encourage Global Supply”, provides a comprehensive analysis of iron ore mining to
encourage global supply. This report covers need for iron ore, extraction and processing of
crude ore, supply of iron ore, volatile prices of iron ore, uncertainties in global market, major
global operating iron ore mines, leading players in mining and future of the mining sector
over the coming years.
Industry Overview: Iron ore is a rock containing iron content in sufficient volume. Iron in
ore iron is most commonly found in the form of magnetic, hematite, goethite, limonite, and
siderite forms. Majority of the iron ore in the global market is used in the production of iron
and steel. The most common methods of extracting the iron ore is blasting, drilling, or
general excavating and majority of the iron ore is produced from open-pit mines. After
extraction of the raw iron ore, it is shipped to iron and steel manufacturing plants. The iron
minerals are separated from the valueless minerals by magnetic, gravity, or froth floatation
processes. The metallic iron can be economically extracted from rocks and minerals know as
iron ores which are typically high in iron oxides. There are four types of ore deposits and the
most commonly mined are magnetite, titanomagnetite, massive hematite, and pisolitic
ironstone deposits.
Iron ore is the primary resource of iron for the world’s iron and steel industries. The
production can be described as crude ore, usable ore or iron content of the ore. Majority of
the crude ore used globally is produced in China while usable iron ore is produced by other