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According to these are fat-burning foods that you should include in your diet. Greek yogurt since it has twice the amount of protein. Protein is slower to digest than carbohydrates. It is recommended to eat the low fat version of greek yogurt. Quinoa , it has 8 grams of protein and a gram of fiber. It has the minerals iron, selenium and zinc. It is high in vitamin E. Cinnamon which can be added to tea, milk or coffee can help regulate blood sugar which may assist your body to not be as hungry often. Jalapeno peppers and other hot peppers fasten up metabolism and contain capsaicin which can also lessen appetite. Green tea has a phytochemical called catechins that help fasten metabolism as well as burn abdominal fat. Apples and pears are high in water and have fiber which can make you full faster and digest slower.
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