Kelly Sex Stories Vol 1 | Page 3

Aries is a cardinal fire sign ruled by Mars. Mars is the opposite planet of Venus. So this makes Venus debilitated since Venus is about justice , values, charm , love and ect. While Aries is about war because of it’s ruling planet. So venus in Aries people have a strong sense of self and welcomes competition. Natural chasers when it comes to love. They are intrigued by a challenge of having to compete for your love and affection. They can get bored in the relationship after they feel they won you over. Some of them might start arguments with their lover because of boredom. Instead of arguing suggest physical activities with your Venus in Aries lover. Such as playing sports or having sex. You have to remember Aries is a fire sign that is ruled by the fiery planet of Mars which deals with your energy to get accomplish things, sexual energy and aggressiveness. Since that is the case sometimes Venus in Aries people can take action in doing things with their money or romance that they may regret later. They sometimes come off as childish , self centered, quick tempered , and blunt. Aries represents people who are pioneers . Pioneers are people who break ground in a field. They had enough willpower and drive to be leaders in an organization like a Chief Executive Officer , own their own business or be the first of at doing something. They might have fancy taste for expensive cars, luxury clothes and will need a lot of money to attain the lifestyle they prefer.

Eros/November 2014 3