Kelamu'l Šifa' br. 7 - Jesen, 1426./2005. | Page 53

Allah reda preko deda – Allah orders through the saints 4 Shaykh Mesud effendi Hadzimelji} gives a speech on the role of women in society as the family’s carrying column. She is responsible for the health and well being of the whole family, and in this speech he puts a par ticular accent on the role of Bosnian sufi women Uloga `ene - islamsko stajali{te The role of woman – the islamic view 6 Seyyed Hosen Nasr points out the most obvious errors of modern society concerning woman, underlining the fact that today under democracy we almost understand that women do not want anymore to be what they actually are. @ene u tesavvufu – Women in tasawwuf 8 This text summarizes in short the lifes and characteristics of some sufi women from Rab’iah up to modern time. @ena u Draguljima – Woman in the Bezels 12 In the Fusus al-Hikam, As-Sahykh AlAkbar Ibn ’Arabi in the 28th chapter treating the Prophet Muhammad s.a.v.s., gives an interpretation of the hadith stating: «Of this world three things I like: women, scent, and in the prayer is my happines.» [a’vana Abelija `ena arif iz drugog stolje}a po hid`ri – Sha’wana Abeliya ’arif woman f rom the 2nd century hijri 14 Sha’wana after Rab’iah al-Adewiya is the most known sufi woman in the history of islam. Some say she is of Iranian origin, and even a contemporay of Rab’iah. Her peculiar characteristic was the immense fear of Allah she had, which made her quite physically weak. She was known as «the one tha cries much and lets the other cry» @ene umjetnice kaligrafije – Women calligraphy ar tists 18 Women took an active part in the intellectual life of the Ot toman Empire, in this text some references are given to show the flourishing creative work of Ot toman sufi women – calligraphers. [ejh Sluhija ef. Had`imejli} - Shaykh Sulhi ef fendi Had`imejli} 24 Shaykh Sulhi was born in 1907 and was son of shaykh hafiz Nezir, he studied in Sarajevo and became a Qadi – judge in the 1930’s. He has writ ten many essays on tesawwuf, and has been active as Naqshibandi shaykh in Visoko. fâÅÅtÜç @ena muslimanka – The muslim woman 25 An essay of shaykh hafiz Musa Kazim Had`imejli} writ ten in the 1930’s on the role of muslim women in society. He states in this essay that the muslim woman can acta s example for all women of the world, since according to the shari’ah she enjoys freedoms that no other woman can have. Bekta{ije – The Bektashis 28 The Bektashi tariqah is one of the most well known tariqah in Anatolia and the Balkans, but only few have real insight to its actual organization and rituals. This text gives a short history with the silsilah up to Hajji Bektash Veli. @ena u ibadetu – Woman in prayer 34 How do have muslim woman to be dressed, what are the par ticular situations in which muslim woman are exempets from prayer and other devotions. In this text shor tly all these questions are handled. Ha zreti Hatid`a el-Kubra and Ha zreti Fatima ez-Zehra 36 The two most impor tant women of for the muslim Ummah are the first wife of the Prophet Muhammad, s.a.v.s., Khadija el-Kubra and their daughter Hz. Fatima. It is God’s will and sign that the Prophet, s.a.vs., had children only with Hz. Khadija and that his progeny goes on only through Hz. Fatima. Ko{trino – Kosino Turbe na Hridu The mausoleum of Ko{tro and Kosa in Hrid (Sarajevo) 44 The history of this mausoleum is connected Kosa a woman from Russia who wanted to get married to a muslim prisoner from Sarajevo but was forbidden to do so. She died longing for him, and for his faith – islam. Esteti~ka snaga svete geometrije Bagdad i d`amija al-Malavija – The esthetic power of the sacred geometries in Baghdad and al-Malawiya mosque 47 The geometric forms are just the reflection of truths hidden in the symbols of numbers such as 3, 4 and 7, which hint to various states of the soul during the spritual journey. Miris ku}e – Scent of home 50 Each scent has peculiar influence on the soul and psyche of human being, for this reason muslims respecting the Prophet’s s.a.v.s. tradition always try to keep their home clean and scenting. Pretplata za ~asopis Kelamu-l {ifa’ IME I PREZIME __________________________________________________________ ULICA I BROJ __________________________________________________________ PO[TANSKI BROJ I GRAD __________________________________________________________ DR@AVA ___________________________________________________ TELEFON __________________________________________________ POTPIS ____________________________________________________ Cijena pretplate: ZA BiH ............................................ 25 KM ZA EVROPU........................................ 20 C ZA PREKOOKEANSKE ZEMLJE ............ 25 $ Uplate izvr{iti na ra~un broj: 1610000031870040 RAIFFEISEN BANK, Sarajevo Uplatnicu i kupon poslati na adresu: Hastahana Mesudija 72 264 Ka}uni BiH