Kelamu'l Šifa' br. 7 - Jesen, 1426./2005. | Page 39

SURA AL INSHIRAH \ n one most important writing, shaykh Abu’l Hasan Zayd Faruqi (rah) said: “ the breast is the where the Knowledge occurs where the mysteries are understood, where the faith is highlighted and becomes clears”. This is a concept very remote to the current western mentality which locates the center of human understanding in the brain, fits instead perfectly within the frame of the Islamic tradition and is often reported in the writings of the most notorious teachers of tasawwuf. Imam al Ghazali, for instance, in one of his autobiographic works, talking about his personal quest, tells us that he obtained the Knowledge only when God gave him a light, which enlarged his breast. It is, however mainly in some verses of the Holy Quran, where the breast is described as the elective place where spiritual enlightenment occurs and where divine science is manifested. In Sura TaHa, Allah al Mighty, talking to Hadrat Musa (SA), on the Mount Sinai, orders him to go to Pharo, and he answers with such prayer: “Oh my Lord open my breast, makes this mission easy to me! Unlock my tongue, so they can understand my speech!”(Quran XX: 25-28). Sura Al An’âm says, “Allah opens the breasts, whose He wishes to guide to the Good, to be submitted to Him” (Quran VI: 125). During the life of Hadrat Muhammed (SA) it was the event of His breast “opening” which showed fully His prophetic nature; this happened, when he became and orphan and was fostered by Halima and Harith, a couple of Bedouins. Then one day, when he was alone in desert, Hadrat Jibrail and Mikail (SA), came to Him, still a child, to open His breast and after taken out His heart they split it and cleaned from a clot of atá| |{ätÇ| â áä|}xàâ Dr. Abd Ar Rahman Giordani (translated and edited from the original paper in Italian published in:’’Ayn Al Hayat, Quaderni della tariqa Naqshbandiyya,1 1995).Dr. Giordani is lecturer of Islamic studies and Arabic at University of Modena, Italy). dark blood, washed with snow and put it back. This event happens again in the night of the Miraj, the Prophet (SA) was sleeping close to the Ka’ba, when Hadrat Jibra’il (SA), came to take His heart again out from His breast and to wash with water of Zamzam. The breast opening of the Holy Prophet (SA) is mentioned by the Holy Quran in the Sura CIV, this extraordinary event is quoted to be a great privilege that Allah has given to His Prophet (SA), forgiving all His sins. In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent and the Merciful Have not caused thy bosom to dilate? And eased thee of the burden Which weighed down thy back And exalted thy mention? But lo! With hardship goeth ease Lo! With hardship goeth ease So when thou art relieved still toil And strive to please thy Lord The most used name for such Sura is al Inshirah, which in Arabic means “opening” or “enlargement”, often it is called al Sharh or also Sura A lam nashrah, from its first three words. Its revelation occurred immediately after that of Sura al Duha, during the “maccan” time. According some scholars these two Sura were assumed to be originally as one single one, the Umayad Khaliph ’Umar ibn Adb al ’Aziz used to read them in a single rak’at without putting the Basmala between them, this was, maybe due to the similar starts of the two Sura. Says Sura al-Duha (Quran XCIII: 6-8) Did He not find thee an orphan and protect? Did He not find thee wandering and direct? Did He not find thee destitute and enrich? However the great majority of the commentators agree to distinguish the two Sura on the basis of the different times of their revelation. Sura al Inshirah was revealed at a time of particular distress for Hadrat Muhammed (SA), when He and his followers were belittled and persecuted by the Meccans, after the recent lost of the closest ones of his family, h