2017 was another year of big changes. We started to invest more in
the clothing line and we enlarged our team. In may 2017 we found the
right people and KEITRE didn’t hesitate to invite Will Odiete and Fabio
Rabotti to the team. That was something we planned for this year - to
add Italian riders to the team again. Will and Fabio are now essential
part of our team and fit perfectly with other riders. They are very produc-
tive and we hope that they will stay with us for the years to come!
In 2017 we also invited a Slovenian skater Matija Frandolič to join the
team. He was with us just for a short time. He joined the KEITRE’s tours
in Prague and Barcelona. Anyway he’s still skating on his own and he’s
having fun doing it :)
At the end of the 2017 our good friend and Croatian skateboarding leg-
end Nino Fanuko officially joined the team. He helped us to write anoth-
er beautiful KEITRE’s chapter in 2018.
I have to admit that in 2017 our company radicaly raised. Finally, we
managed to create a very solid team that is strong and can compete on
the European level. I believe the reason of our success is our focus on
building the relationships slowly. Either is with our riders or KEITRE’s
customers. We are building on lasting, quality and respectful relationship
with all parties involved.
on the next page:
Will Odiete - switch ollie - Reggio Emilia 2017 - photo Alice Vacondio
Nino Fanuko - switch bs180 nosegrind - Zagreb 2017 - photo Antonio Peković
and portrait Fabio Rabotti & Will Odiete - photo Alice Vacondio