KeHE Goodness Report_Final | Page 17

Culture People Purpose Planet Performance

R . A . R . E . Leaders , R . A . R . E . Culture

• Remain Relational

• Act Like Your Best Self

• Return to Joy

• Endure Hardship Well

89 % of managers have been trained in R . A . R . E . Leadership

RELATE equips front-line leaders to better :

• Empower others through empathic listening .

• Deliver feedback that is clear and better received .

• Build & preserve relationships when behavior change is needed .

• Learn recognition & celebration practices to promote the right behaviors .

95 % of distribution center leaders have completed RELATE training


Create healthy cultures

“ Even though we were surrounded by uncertainty and strife in the world around us , our employees

responded with love and care for one another

We strive to invest in our employees with the same

Our investment is rooted in the idea that individuals

R . A . R . E .

rather than fear or distrust . Rare companies have

intentionality and hard work they put into their jobs every day . Investment can take many forms , and we

derive significant growth through job-related experiences and interactions with others . We develop leaders through

leaders that act in rare ways , which is exactly what

believe that building strong , serving leaders is the

shoulder-to-shoulder serving experiences that instill

we ’ ve seen in the last year .”

best way to carry our culture of goodness forward .

vulnerability , resilience , and empathy .

– Rusty Bland , EVP People Engagement & Serving