Keesler JLUS Report keesler_jlus_report | Page 84

Strategy including the JLUS Implementation Coordination Committee. Identify who will maintain the email system. Other Partners: As Needed Geographic Issue / Strategy ID # COM-1B (continued) COM-1C Prog MCAOD Extend the Mission and Funding for the Mississippi Military Communities Council The Governor should fund and establish a charter for the Mississippi Military Communities Council (MMCC). Extending the mission would include providing military preparedness information to local, state, and federal officials and agencies. This council should prepare an Annual Report that highlights all the military installations in the state, delineates their economic impact numbers, and provides information on each installation’s challenges and opportunities. In addition, appropriate, accurate mapping should be developed to assist in understanding of the Mississippi installations’ mission requirements. The Council should include jurisdictional representation. Primary Partners: Mississippi Legislature, Mississippi Development Authority, Governor of Mississippi Mid Term     COM-1D Comm MCAOD Develop and Adopt Military Notification Procedure / Protocol Mid Consider revising Land Development Ordinance and Zoning Ordinances to include notification Term language of proposed developments within a three to five mile area of Keesler AFB as it relates to vertical obstructions defined by imaginary surface criteria.      COM-1E Stud / Prog MCAOD Incorporate Additional Community Coordination Tasks within Community Planner Position to Enable Integrated Communication and Coordination with the Surrounding Communities. Consider renegotiating the Base Operation Support (BOS) Contract, to incorporate additional task and work components to provide adequate capability in the community planner position to enable enhanced coordination with local communities and to provide guidance to the JLUS Coordination Committee.  Page 70 Short Term      JLUS Report