Keesler JLUS Background Report keesler_background_report | Page 192

At the federal level , DoD Instruction 2000.16 DoD Antiterrorism ( AT ) Standards authorizes the Commanders at all levels to enforce security measures at their will and are charged with the responsibility of the protection of persons and property under the commanders ’ control . As such , there are numerous UFC guidance publications that outline various fencing and security measures appropriate for military installations .
The Military Handbook ( MIL HNDBK 1013 / 10 ) Design Guidelines for Security Fencing , Gates , Barriers , and Guard Facilities indicates that installations should use signage at 200‐foot intervals on the exterior installation fencing to inform and warn potential trespassers that there is a U . S . military installation at the specified location . All military services recognize the importance of a secured installation ; however , only the U . S . Navy has published specific guidelines for the installation of warning / no trespassing signs . Because the intent of the JLUS is to promote land use information and compatibility regardless of military service and because the recommendations are provided for local governments , the public trespassing assessment is based on these recommendations as a best practice . There are currently signs along the outer border of the installation that notify the community of the presence of the installation .
• Trespassing generally occurs on the eastern end of the installation .
• There are signs on the fence line that identify the presence of the installation .
• The City of Biloxi and D ’ Iberville work with the Keesler AFB security forces to identify occurrences of trespassing onto Keesler AFB .
• Although Keesler AFB currently posts ‘ warning ’ signs on the fence line , there are no specific Air Force guidelines for such signs .
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