Keenpack Metal Boxes Catalogue July 2016 August 2017 | Page 47
Te c h n i q u e s & S o l u t i o n s
Over the past 16 years we have maintained our existing customer base and developed new business
using various techniques, solutions and innovations in our metal boxes and tins production:
We own over 700 sets of tooling, in many
different dimensions, which can be used as they
are or be adjusted to different heights.
We use various metal sheets of different thicknesses
be it ETP, aluminum, tin free steel, galvanized
steel, black steel and holographic metal sheets
to meet both aesthetic and functional packaging
We specialize in tooling for odd or fancy shapes.
We support creative minds and provide our techni-
cal input. Customized tooling is our expertise and
we are known to execute creative packaging ideas
from the initial development stage right up to and
including mass production.