Keen Fashion July 2013 | Page 16

The festival season is in full swing ! We don ’ t even doubt you know that Glastonbury is not your only possible destination for warm summer nights , filled with indie , rock , pop or dance music . Roskilde festival in Denmark can take you in some quality performances , like those of Sigur Ros , Metallica , Animal Collective or always edgy Rihanna . Tomorrowland in Belgium is perfect if you are looking for no blues and are ready to bounce 24 / 7 . Poland has a lot to offer with more than one big festival rocking the country every summer ! And so much more … For sure you will opt for some relaxing beach time during your off-office days , but festivals are no less popular short-time holiday destination as well . We know , you will not get tender sleep and spa treats there , so be prepared and most importantly – comfortable in your summer festival pieces you will wear .


1 . Wear denim ! Look for bright colour denim we have designed for Keen Fashion ’ s Festival collection .
2 . Wear beads ! We have what we never had before in our stores – beads to style your hair . They look perfect with denim .
3 . Own a pair of boots . All summer inspired colours are available for light-to-be worn boots Keen Fashion Festival collection has to offer .

Keen Fashion Festival Collection

Fashionable things to do in a festival :
1 . Dress like you know what you ’ re in for .
2 . Have a partner “ in crime ” who is just right to your festival attire .
3 . Record the festival highlights with your vintage camera .
4 . Chill out !