KC Memories May 2014 | Page 9

where did I come from?

have not been subject to much change in my life. I have lived in the same house my entire life. The house has one floor, four bedrooms, and two bathrooms. The biggest in-home changes I have experienced were a change in the room I sleep in due to various siblings and family members living with us from time to time. Though the people and room arrangements would vary throughout my childhood, the environment remained ever constant. The high white ceilings always so far away, always out of reach.

The backyard was always an unexplored jungle—adventure awaited with each encounter. Littered with trees, shrub, high grass-patches, and a plethora of foliage the entire backyard was constantly bursting with a bright spectrum of colors. The trees consisted of towering pines and oaks. The shrubs were outstretched, reaching to cling to anything within its grasp. While coursing through the yard, tall grass-patches brush with desperate finger-like bristles that holdfast to your pant legs. The color-bursting foliage is comprised of reds, blues, yellows, and whites. It is as if a rainbow was sprinkled over the backyard.

The fence’s attempt to keep the wilderness at bay was a futile effort. The outskirts of the yard were marked by a fence overrun by the forest behind our property. Vines and branches trickled their way into the backyard, adding to the wonder. There was something magical about the place; it was mysterious. You could get lost in jungle or lost in the adventure, and I often did both.


KC Memories / May, 2014 3