who came
before me?
y parents met through a Klein United Methodist Church Singles group. Dad, a tall, burly man was undoubtedly the best dancer of the group. Each Thursday, the nights the group would go dancing, only one woman could keep up with Dad. Tall, thin, and attractive, Mom was that woman. Confidently approaching her, Dad extends his hand in invitation, “Just a dance, you can’t even consider it a date” With a smile, she accepted. They danced the swing together. Trumpets and Saxophone blared as the musicians breathed life into the evening. Swings, dips, swinging and swaying, the place was hopping.
What was only supposed to be a dance, blossomed into a date—but one date wasn’t enough, they had to come back for more. Weekends nearly always consisted of dinner and an event or activity. Some weekends there were dances, other weekends there were movies, but each weekend involved a hint of romance. Separated only by distance, and days of the week, they would reunite weekly for yet another evening together.
After having gone steady for some time, it was time to meet the kids: Peggy, Trey, Tiffany, and Nicole. The meet was nerve-wracking, but inevitable. Fate’s hand was at play willing the two forward. The kids are just as nervous as Mom and Dad. Trey is wearing a dress shirt and tie, while his sisters are wearing sun dresses. Though hesitant for a while, they eventually warmed up to the new woman. Little did they know, young Tiffany and Nicole would one day come to view this woman as mother figure, cherished as their own.
KC Memories / May, 2014 3