competitive edge
iddle school was a place where names were made, yet identities were lost. You forgot who you were and who your parents raised you to be. Though shapeless and without form, we are defined by our actions and associated with them. Initially, for me, middle school meant more students, which meant more friends. However, as I found new people and new interests, my long-time friends did the same. As a result, we drifted apart from one another. I found my place among the Theatre Art students.
Intermediate school I realized my appreciation for the arts, particularly performing. It was where I learned that I enjoyed being in front of others. One of the more joyful strings of experiences in my middle school career was my participation in the Drama Club, and the tournaments for Speech & Debate. I most often participated in Duet Interpretation. As a novice actor, I found it easier to feed off of the energy of my duet partner, Madi Molitor. Throughout middle school, she was my best friend. The first time I won an award was after one our Duet Interpretation performances—a 1st Place District Trophy. Overwhelmed with excitement and shock, I was motivated to continue pursuing performance. As a result of my newly found confidence, I became visibly more assured which in turn made my performance smoother and made me more comfortable with my partner Madi.
As the next couple years went by, Madi and I grew closer and took more and more trophies home. Together, we would tag team various other divisions, such as Duet Improvisation and Duet Pantomime. We would mop up the competition, placing in every tournament from then on. The Speech & Debate competitions were the highlight of my Intermediate School years.
KC Memories / May, 2014 3