KC Contact Winter 2015 Edition | Page 3

PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE SUMMER ESL CAMP 2013 - BRA- Spiritual Life and Academics at KC BY SCOTT BOWES, President WE ARE A LITTLE OVER HALF WAY through the 2014-15 school year. I’d like to take this opportunity to tell you about some exciting spiritual programming that has happened this year as well as give you a little information about the academic program at Kingsway. H.O.P.E. Taskforce – H.O.P.E. is an acronym for “Helping Other People Everywhere.” This is a new student-led service club on campus. In consultation with the Campus Ministries department, the students decide what service activities they would like to participate in, and then Campus Ministries helps to make it a reality. The students have a goal of completing one project per month. This club started in January and their first activity was to deliver 54 care packages (24 to homeless people on the street and 30 to women and men’s shelters). In February, they joined with the New Life Community Centre to serve breakfast to people in need. Panama Mission Trip – From December 11-22, 2014, 25 students and 6 adults travelled to Las Boquillas, Panama for a mission trip. The group built the foundation and frame for a church, and built the frame and roof for a Sabbath School building. They also completed a concrete floor for a Sabbath School building in Penonome, Panama. Each evening, the students ran an evangelistic series for the adults and a VBS program for the children. This trip was an amazing blessing to both the people of Las Boquillas and to the participants on the mission trip. Check out the Kingsway College Facebook page for pictures from the trip. Graduation Rates – The academic program at Kingsway continues to be very s