KC Contact 2013-2014 Spring 2014 | Page 10

STUDENT WEEK OF PRAYER “The 10 Plagues” - Student Week of Prayer BY ZLATAN LJULJDJUROVIC, ‘14 WATER INTO BLOOD. Frogs. Gnats. Flies. Plague on livestock. Boils. Hail. Locusts. Darkness. Death of the firstborn. The theme for this year’s Student Week of Prayer was “The 10 Plagues”. Each program (morning and evening) was led by one of our Grade 12 students: Nicole, Emmanuel, Renee, Darnel, Nathan, Elle, Jacob, Zahara, Travis, Felimon, and Zlatan. The theme was designed to show the students that the worship of Egyptian gods was linked to some aspect of life in the ancient near east (eg. life, provision, security, etc.,) and that we too often rely on various ‘gods’ that help us with these aspects. In the end, it was God that went head to head with these false gods to show us that it is through God that we can have all these things provided for. Worship was started with a number of songs by the class Praise Teams, and followed by the Student Association Praise Team who led the school in singing the chosen theme song, “You Are God Alone” by Phillips, Craig, and Dean. The words of this song are powerful and resonated with the topic for each day. “You’re the only God, whose power none can contend. You’re the only God, whose name and praise will never end. You’re the only God who’s worthy of everything we can give. You are God, and that’s just the way it is.” Every time God hardened Pharaoh’s heart, it gave the opportunity for His power to be shown. When Pharaoh exalted himself and his other gods above the One True God, each plague brought on the people of Egypt showed them that there should be no other god before Him. Each student’s message reiterated the fact that it doesn’t matter who or what attempts to challenge God, HE will win the battle every time. n 10 KC Contact Spring 2014