KB reference guide handy dandy January 2014 | Página 13

CREATING AN EMAIL ACCOUNT USING GMAIL Having an email account is essential for all computer users in today’s world. You will be required to have an email account for this class, preferably a gmail account. If you have another email account with another provider, you will need to create a gmail acoount, a product of google. You will be submitting assignments through email and we will also be able to communicate with each other through it. We will also be exploring the incredible features of google. Below are the steps with the illustrations to accessing gmail and to create an account. Step 1: At the URL Address box, type gmail.com and press enter. Step 2: Click on the box at the top CREATE AN ACCOUNT. Step 3: In this window follow the rest of the steps to creating a gmail account. Fill in all the fields requested, and soon you will be on your way to owning your very own email account. Remember to choose a username that will identify you as a young professional. Avoid using names like “hot to trot”, sexylady, onecooldude, etc. Use your name or your initials and numbers. (ex.dtquinata87) When creating a password, choose a name that you will not easily forget. 11