KAUST_SDG_Report_21_22_2 | Page 3


KAUST has been a beacon of social change and environmental stewardship since its genesis . As a leading academic institution in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia , the Middle East , and the World , we recognize the pivotal importance of achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals ( SDG ) and the pressing need to accelerate innovation on sustainable technologies and solutions that address humanity ’ s current challenges .
Sustainability has always been embedded in KAUST ’ s academic curricula , fundamental and applied research , operations and infrastructure , backed innovative technologies , and in the engagement we create with all our stakeholders . We pride ourselves on educating thought leaders that are able to understand and share the importance of technoscientific knowledge to the sustainable evolution of humankind .
This report captures some of the extraordinary work our faculty , students , staff and collaborators develop every day for the betterment of our world , and the world of those yet to come . I hope that the projects , initiatives and activities presented will inspire us to continue our sustainability journey , and also inspire local , national and international audiences across all sectors of society to engage with us in the search for the solutions we need to collectively thrive .
Let us nurture today to sustain tomorrow .
Dr . Tony F . Chan
KAUST President