On the fifth day on the Washington D.C. trip before we left for home. We visited the Holocaust museum. Before we entered the museum, our tour guide told us that the first time she went there she cried. She told us that mostly everything in the holocaust museum is very graphic and visual, showing the lives of Jewish people. Showing what they endured at the time, plus the changes they faced when all Jews were separated and considered outcasts, like they are nothing but a disease. Now i really did not know what to except for my self on what i would see, hear and my emotional reaction to all of it. When i was inside i entered a door that said “Remembering Daniel”.
I saw what his house looked liked, the cloths he wore, his bed and photo’s of him and his family. In his journals i could see the change before and after Jewish people became outsiders. Daniels friends stopped hanging out with him because he was Jewish. He felt all alone in the world, like he was just something the world threw away. People all around him and his family were mean, ignored them, were rude and even threw stuff at them. Eventually they were sent away to a camp. I tried to hold back my tears for everything i was seeing in his old house, all his belongings and what he and his family went through. What nobody should ever have to go through.