Dotzy’s a place where you can get your country on
By: Katie Leigh Tessmer
Dotzy’s is located in Elgin on 340 Center St., Iowa, 52141. There hours on Tuesday-Thursdays 4:00pm to 9:00pm, Fridays 4:00pm to 10:00pm, Saturdays 9:00am to 10:00pm and lastly Sundays 9:00am to 9:00pm. They are not open on Mondays though. You can email them at [email protected]. I had called Dotzy’s to make a reservation at (563) 518-6061. As i walked into Dotzy’s i did not know what to expect. For i have heard different opinions on the place.
One person who i spoke to said that the food was soggy and they hated how long they had to wait to get their food. Another person i had spoken too said the food was delicious and the service was great. So i decided to keep my mind open when i had first entered the restaurant. When i gazed at the menu to see what i would want. On the menu it said, Tumbleweed, Wings, Mac and Cheese, Fried Pickles, Nachos, Chili Cheese Fries etc. They also served salads, soups, Sandwiches and burgers. Most of the foods on their menu were mostly meat.