Kashmir Scan 05 | Page 31

the valley ' s lost historical glory , has
of major reasons that kept new generation
painted a grim picture on how new gener-
away from historicity of old parts of the
ation and new residents see the city , which
city . “ Besides , educational infrastructure
is mired in political crisis and two decades
has hampered here ,” said Beg .
of violence .
The survey is based on interview of
According to INTACH ' s report on
sample group of 1500 in 16 mohallas ( colurban
renewal of historic Srinagar , there is
onies ) of old parts of the city , spread
increasing trend of sense of discontinuity
around five square km .
with Srinagar ' s historicity among new gen-
The survey pointed out that 90 % of
eration .
the youth above 18 years do not do any
“ The new generation is living in dis-
formal outdoor sport . “ There is hardly any
jointed cultural islands . We took Class
sports infrastructure worth the name . We
Seven girl students of the most prestigious
have lost open spaces rapidly ,” said Beg .
public school on a cultural tour to the city .
Most inhabitants of uptown Srinagar
We found that 95 % of the girls could not
hardly visits old city or are aware of its hisname
more than two shrines of despite the
toric value .
city housing around a dozen significant
shrines ,” said INTACH ' s Kashmir chapter
head Saleem Beg .
“ 98 % reported that they never en- gaged in any community or social ser- vice ,” says the report .
At least four of them mentioned Kath
Darwaza , a Mughal era fort ' s entrance , as a shrine .
Around 30 percent people intend to migrate from the downtown because of poor infrastructure and below standard
Beg sees two decades of turmoil one
living conditions .

INTACH survey underlines the need to work on :

�Need for creation of cultural infrastructure in terms of community spaces for cultural activities and community engagements like community networking , cultural activities , imparting life skills , after-school guidance , presentation of audio visuals on education history culture and social sciences .
�Additionally expanded space of existing school buildings in the area should be made available after school hours for the said purpose . �Urban renewal of Shehar-I-Khas �A participatory socio-economic developmental approach
| KASHMIR SCAN | May 2013 | 1 |