The chairman of Hurriyat Confer- |
to Afzal Guru ' s hanging , what |
ence ( M ) Mirwaiz Umar Farooq |
stopped it from withdrawing support |
lashed out at NC and PDP for , what |
to the UPA in New Delhi ? While it |
he said , choosing to barter the senti- |
was Mufti Sayeed who , as the Home |
ments and emotions of Kashmiris |
Minister of India , sent Jagmohan to |
for the lust of political power . |
Kashmir , and enforced AFSPA in |
He said while DMK respected the |
J & K and gave a free hand to the govsentiments |
of their people on the is- |
ernment forces to mow down |
sue of human rights abuses against |
Kashmiris at will , it was the NC that |
Tamils in Sri Lanka and withdrew |
created the notorious Special Task |
support to the UPA government , the |
of Kashmiris without an iota of |
Force ( STF ) and gave it a clear-cut |
National Conference and PDP as al- |
shame . If NC was really serious |
mandate to conduct extra-judicial |
ways chose to barter the sentiments |
about its reservations and opposition |
murders and abductions in Kashmir . |