Kashmir Scan 05 | Page 28

Mainstream Parties Bartered Kashmiris For Power '

The chairman of Hurriyat Confer-
to Afzal Guru ' s hanging , what
ence ( M ) Mirwaiz Umar Farooq
stopped it from withdrawing support
lashed out at NC and PDP for , what
to the UPA in New Delhi ? While it
he said , choosing to barter the senti-
was Mufti Sayeed who , as the Home
ments and emotions of Kashmiris
Minister of India , sent Jagmohan to
for the lust of political power .
Kashmir , and enforced AFSPA in
He said while DMK respected the
J & K and gave a free hand to the govsentiments
of their people on the is-
ernment forces to mow down
sue of human rights abuses against
Kashmiris at will , it was the NC that
Tamils in Sri Lanka and withdrew
created the notorious Special Task
support to the UPA government , the
of Kashmiris without an iota of
Force ( STF ) and gave it a clear-cut
National Conference and PDP as al-
shame . If NC was really serious
mandate to conduct extra-judicial
ways chose to barter the sentiments
about its reservations and opposition
murders and abductions in Kashmir .

People fed up with this Govt , want change : Mehbooba

Cong will form next Govt in JK : Prof Soz

Ruling out any possibility of pre-poll alliance with Congress , Peoples Democratic Party chief Mehbooba Mufti said Jammu and Kashmir was on the verge of a ' big danger ' on the political front as most of the ministers of ruling coalition were neck-deep in scandals while the government was unable to deal with public issues . She also said that National Conference was crying for the blunders they themselves committed- ' selling autonomy in 1975 and hanging Muhammad Maqbool Bhat and Muhammad Afzal Guru .' The PDP chief said they are not going for any pre-poll alliance . “ We believe people of J & K are fed up with the present dispensation and they want a change now ,” she said .
State Congress chief Prof Saif-ud-Din Soz declared that his party will ensure that it forms next government in the state on its own . “ Our popularity has grown over the years in Jammu and Kashmir and Congress has now made inroads across the state ”, Soz , who was re-appointed PCC chief recently said , while addressing a public meeting at Raipur- Domana this month
“ While Congress is emerging as a strong force in Kashmir and Ladakh regions , Jammu continues to be its stronghold ”, he said adding ; “ Our party has emerged as the largest political force in the state and has the potential to form the next government on its own or lead the next government ”. Soz said BJP has become irrelevant in Jammu region because of its wrong policies and failure to respect the mandate of the people . “ It is the Congress party alone which is emerging as the only choice of people of this region , although party is emerging stronger in Kashmir valley as well as Ladakh region ”.