HEN he was on his death bed , Mughal emperor Jehangir , the legend goes ,
Wwished to be carried to Verinag and buried there , so enamoured was he by its ethereal beauty and magical charm . If not for his wife Nur Jahan , he might have had his wish .
Verinag is one of the largest springs in India , located about 78 km south-east of Srinagar in Anantnag and the first tourist place for travelers arriving into the valley from Jammu . It is said to be named after Nila Nag , the son of Kashyap Rishi . The spring was originally an irregular and shapeless pond and water oozed out from different places , forming a little marsh . But in 1620 , built an octagonal ta nk of sculptured arched recesses around it so that all water was collected therein and then flew down a 300-yard canal to Bihat river . Seven years later , Jahangir ' s son Shah Jahan , who was no less a lover of beauty , natural or otherwise , constructed cascades and aqueducts in straight lines through and around the fine garden which he , in order to enhance further the beauty of the place laid
| KASHMIR SCAN | May 2013 | 1 |