Kashmir Scan 05 | Page 18

Expressing satisfaction on the occa-
Along with the certificate and
sion , Chairman said , “ There couldn ' t
medal , there is a statue produced in
be a better time to receive such rec-
the shape of a hand symbolizing
ognition for relentless progression
hard work .
and dynamic growth of our Bank ,
The research in this regard was conand
amid such prestigious economic
ducted by the analytical centres of
gathering here in London .”
the Europe Business Assembly
I receive this award for every em-
( EBA , Oxford , Great Britain ).
ployee and stakeholder of J & K Bank
The results of the research were preand
offer my heartfelt gratitude to
sented in the Institute of Directors of
the European Business Assembly
Great Britain during the London
for this unforgettable moment in our
Business Leaders Summit ( 10-12
Platinum Jubilee Year , he said .
April 2013 , London ).
It was an excellent opportunity to
Notably , Europe Business Assembly
meet global leaders from the world
( EBA ), Oxford is a London based
of banking and experts on finance
independent corporation for develhere
at the Leaders Summit , he
opment and management of ecoadded
nomic , social and humanitarian col-
Earlier , in his welcome address , Di-
laboration , which promotes transrector
General European Business
formation of state-of-the-art experi-
Assembly John W A Netting said ,
ence and economic practices , estab-
“ The primary aim of this important
lishment of economic , educational ,
event is the recognition of the out-
cultural , and scientific ties , creation
standing achievements of our partic-
of national business elites . Creation
ipants during 2012 , and the presen-
of a positive image of dynamically
tation of awards to outstanding man-
developing regions , companies and
agers and companies from through-
individuals in the European and
Ahmad with ' Manager of the Year '
out the world .”
global business community is the
medal and a special statue .
Notwithstanding modern day chaland
main mission of EBA institutions
Mushtaq Ahmad received the award
during the “ Best Enterprises .
lenges , such as economic restraints ,
EBA recognizes high professional-
representative offices , and of its strategic partners around the world .
Achievements . 2013 : Business Leadteams
ism of company executives and their
Those who participated in the sumers
Summit ” held last week at the
who have put so much effort
mit included Co-chairman , the Sum-
British Institute of Directors , Lontries
into the development of their coun-
mit of Leaders , UK John Netting , Sir
don . 130 businessmen from 35 countries
' economies , he added .
Richard Needham , UK , Managing
participated in the summit .
Sir John Michael Middlecott
Director , Gensler UK Ian Mulcahey ,
Howell Christina , Head of External
Relations Department , Thames Valley Chamber of Commerce , UK and
Briggs Paul , President , International
Club of Leaders , UK presented the
award along with medal and a special statue to the Chairman Mushtaq
Ahmad .
It was the ceremony for the presentahammed tions of companies which were inforemost cluded to the EBA rating of ' Dynamically developing companies of the
world in the field of management and international economy integra-
Banham , foremost Britain ' s business leader delivered the opening ceremony speech .
The key note speech titled ' Europe and dynamically developing markets : partnership or economic exrate pansion ?' was delivered on the occasion by Sir Richard Needham , a famous British politician and businessman .
Notably , the Best Enterprise Certificate reads , “ J & K Bank has been recipal cognised as one of the ' Best Enterternational prises ' in the field of finance and
Ali Abdullah , The UK ' s business leader Sir John , Blake Lapthorn , UK Martin of Financial Markets Law In- , UK Richard Parlour
Business Development Manager ,
Oxford Business School , UK Rafal
Witczak , Head of the Economic and
Commercial Section , Embassy of
Argentina Alejandro Piñeiro
Aramburu , Head of London Corpo-
Kay , Adviser , Ministry of Trade –
Kurdistan Region , Iraq Fathi Mo-
Michael Middlecott Banham , , Prin-
tion .'
banking , India .