Kashmir Scan 05 | Page 16

Ans : when I lost my Mother .
friends use to tell me to cook masoor
Danbad ,
Jamsheedpur and other
ki daal .
districts of Jharkhand and now in
Q : What makes you happy ?
Ans : Happiness
Q : Do you watch serials soaps ?
J & K . I have faced challenges of naxalism as well as militancy .
What are your favourites ?
Q : What irritates you most ?
Ans : repetition
Ans : I don ' t find time now . But earlier I use to watch “ office office ”. I use to enjoy it .
Q : What do think your greatest contribution so far ?
Ans :
As far as Kashmir is concerned
Q : How do you spent your free time and off days ?
Ans : With my Family
Q : Whom you love most in your
family ?
Ans : Every one of them .
, besides being professionally satisfied as a police officer awareness about the civil services and fa- cilitation of scores of aspirants to get in the civil services has provided the
Q : Is there anything you miss in your life ?
Ans : Hazaroun Khawshe aisi ki her khawish ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Q : The day u repented to be in this
field ?
Ans : No
Q : Which section in the society you want to work for ?
Ans : As a police officer I do work for every section of the society . As an individual I have set up a trust which is known as imitative for competi- tion promotion in J & K . Which is working in the field of coaching ,
greatest amount of satisfaction .
Q : How important money is for you ?
Ans : Good life
Q : What was your first personal experience with death ?
councelling of the aspirants of civil
Ans : when my younger sister died
Q : Your future plans
services ? And in last 3-4 years we
that I remember as a kid .
Ans : I have no house , I have to constudents
have good results where number of
struct one .
has competed .
Q : Any Particular brand you like to wear ?
Q : Do u like cooking and what is
Q : What were the major chal-
Ans : whatever my wife brings and
your favourite cooking .
lenges that you have encountered
decides for me .
Ans : I am a good cook . I use to cook
so far ?
in hostel for 7 years . I am best in mix veg , egg fried rice and Daal . My
Ans : I worked in Naxal areas . I worked as district superintendent police of jahanabad in Bihar .
Q : Message for Public ?
Ans : Let ' s try for excellence .
| KASHMIR SCAN | May 2013 | 1 |