T H E WO R L D O F S TO R I E S that e n ri c h our li v es I truly believe we are created to be creative, to mutually share and enjoy the uniqueness and diversity of our personalities. Jealousy, envy, hypocrisy, calculation and competition aren’t in harmony with my intentions. I wish success and happiness to anyone who bets on their own potential, no matter what kind of art or background you are coming from. The most important thing is to feel there is soul, heart and honesty behind an individual intention. Life itself is the biggest and the best motivational tool. Each single story written by life is here for us to learn from and to help us move forward no matter the situation. I offer you the life stories of personalities who excel in their fields – and it’s not just about highlighting the most well-known personalities. I welcome every new inspiration and collaboration that will enrich my life. The articles focus on their work, life experience, and philosophy. SHARED TREASURES I’m very thankful for everything I’ve been through and for each person who was, is, or will be a part of my life. I’m happy to share my memories and the knowledge I have gained thanks to my diverse experience, as well as my impressions from different events and reviews of what influences and fulfills me and moves my life forward with you. GOING IN DEPTH First, I’d like to introduce you to some interviews with several rock’n’roll personalities. The portal is not focused entirely on this sphere, but because of my personal experience and work background I have deep emotional ties with this genre and I will always come back to it. What inspires me is going deeper inside their minds, sharing their thoughts and achieving a more profound and complex understanding of their personalities and their work. I choose authorities who can motivate, inspire, and serve as role models for you. www.karlatallas.com 2