Album: Killing the Dragon
Released: May 21, 2002, Spitfire
Songwriters: Jimmy Bain, Ronnie James Dio
Loneliness took me for a long ride and into a cold the key to the door to fulfillment. Here’s a place in the
world without love, understanding, and light. first row of an endless show. I let myself be absorbed
An ocean of possibilities is replaced by a drying river. by the story of a film with the most beautiful colors
Torn between the good and the evil, in a world where I’ve ever seen. There’s a place where the grass is
I’m mostly regarded a naive dreamer and a weirdo, greener and the water is crystal clear.
I’m desperately trying to get a foothold. I’m tired I break free from the burden of earthly worries,
of the black and white life and of being constantly and I’m finally myself. I forget about prejudice.
corrected and judged by fools and pseudo-intellectuals. No one is watching. I can shake, rattle, and roll.
Night after night, I curl up and try to replace Be natural, wild, and unbridled. I don’t have wings,
the monotonous greyness of the merciless reality but I can fly. I see myself as I really am. I’m not
with the diversity of abundance, harmony, followed by my own shadow or my shadow’s son.
and faith. Finding myself on a journey beyond Nothing is wrong and there’s no reason to waste
the limits of everyday life, I discover a world any more chances.
of endless possibilities. What more to wish for than