DEF LEPPARD, Prague 2019 / Photo: Lukáš Urbaník
even formed and is the prototype of a concept with the number of albums and singles sold through retail
no possibility of not working out. The band was and ancillary markets). This is all without mentioning
formed as a part of the New Wave of the British their last studio self-titled album “Def Leppard”
Heavy Metal movement, but the biggest success for (released in 2015), which became their seventh top
them was their combination of melodic hard rock, ten album after debuting on the Billboard 200 at
catchy melodies with an overlap with pop as well as number 10. I could continue with DEF LEPPARD’s list
the specific and from the first moment unmistakable of awards for almost forever.
vocals of front man Joe Elliott. DEF LEPPARD’s
uniqueness and originality is confirmed by some kind Since the beginning of the 80s, DEF LEPPARD have
of non-transferable and indefinable emotions which been a band with one of the most stable lineups
form a part of their whole work and which is also on the scene. They have had the same lineup since
absolutely impossible to copy. It’s probably due to 1982 and there were only 3 changes in their history.
their natural gifts, the symbol of these music giants I’m convinced the whole success and stability of the
that makes them totally different from others. They band is also influenced by their human side. In the
are some of the rare few artists who have managed big world of showbusiness, especially at the top, you
to produce so many mega hits, sold over 100 million can rarely find people with physical handicaps getting
records worldwide, repeatedly occupied the top of their shot or excelling there with such a background.
the chart’s worldwide, gained countless number of Of course I don’t know all the things behind the
awards, including 12 platinum albums, and have two story or the things the band had to go through in
albums with RIAA diamond certification (Recording the times after their drummer Rick Allen was dealing
Industry Association of America certification based on the amputation of his left arm in 1985. Even after all