MICHAEL MONROE / Photo: Jan Tatar
You can find all the detailed information including intention of the promoters is not only to offer the
the shuttle bus timetables at the Sweden Rock official audience the best possible mix of music, but also to
website – www.swedenrock.com. have the festival area provide excellent service and
hospitality in many senses of the word. There are
Sweden Rock Festival traditionally takes place every many kinds of foods offered to visitors, while the lines
year during the first week in June – from Wednesday are kept to a minimum. Regardless, some still find
to Saturday. You can enjoy a variety of music styles the prices for food and beverages quite unpleasantly
from more than 80 bands from all of the world on high. There is also the possibility to buy a diverse
five stages within these four days. The main Festival selection goods in the supermarket located outside
Stage and Rock Stage are closed the first day of of the festival area for more acceptable prices.
Sweden Rock, so instead you can enjoy the artists
who are performing on the Sweden Stage, 4Sound While other festivals clean their grounds after the
Stage or Rockklassiker Stage. I really appreciate the events are over, the people comprising the Sweden
fact that each artist gets a decent set length – not just Rock team are much more responsible for their
the big acts get to perform in really solid conditions. visitors. They have 200 people who are continuously
Fans can meet many of the artists during the great making sure that guests can enjoy siting down on the
autograph sessions offered as well. grassy slopes throughout the festival. You can hardly
ever find garbage on the ground. There are also clean
In spite of the fact that Sweden Rock is rapidly vacuum-flushing toilets instead of overfilled porta-
growing, the promotional team is not losing focus potties. Safety and health care are provided at a very
o the ideas behind the origins of the festival. The professional level as well.