Kanto No. 4, Vol. 2, 2017 | Page 75

VOX The World is Vast Enough Dare to be your most authentic self w ords and photograph y Celine Reyes Authentic. This was how I promised to live my life when Year Silver—my 25th birthday—came. After years of succumbing to outward pressures, to trying to please everyone but myself, I was resolved to do things my way. I had enough compromise to last a lifetime. It was time to live out my truths. It began with the way I dress. It was something small but easily noticeable. Soon enough, I was hearing talk. Most were good. Some, as expected, were hurtful. But I just let this wash over my head. It felt good. I felt good. I was empowered. And this, feeling good, became the basis of everything I do. It sounds selfish, sure, but this had been long overdue. I'd been thinking about others for too long. It was about time I put my personal happiness ahead of everything—and everyone—else. With this in mind, I eventually arrived at a revelation. An admission, really. One that rattled the very foundation of who I was. Something that, if mishandled, would topple everything I'd worked so hard to build. But I was certain. More than ever, I was certain. I'm bisexual. Or bi-curious, if we are to be technical about it. I haven't been in a relationship with a girl, but I like girls. I'm attracted to them in the same way I'm attracted—maybe even more—to men. Emotionally. Intellectually. Sexually. When it comes to love, I've found, I refuse to take sides. And, yes, I'm about to get married. To a man. That doesn't change the fact that I'm attracted to girls nevertheless. Being able to finally say that out loud, to be open about it, is liberating. It is freedom. Authentic. In a world that pressures us into believing that we must do things a certain way, that we must be a certain way, I thought why must I conform? Why mustn't I be honest? The only measure that matters, after all, is the one I define. As Year Silver approaches its close, I am filled with pride. Pride for having the constitution to carry out a promise. Everything—all the pain, the heartaches—it was worth it. All the struggle to stay alive was worth it. So, never ever be ashamed to do things that delight you, of being with people who make you feel good. If you say yes, mean it; say no and maintain it. Yield if you're tired. Fight if it's worth it. The world is vast—there's enough room in here for talking foul, laughing loudly, trusting strangers, making mistakes and loving hard. You are allowed to be selfish, to be different. Deviate. Conform. Do whatever makes you feel good. Care deeply if you must. Be oblivious if you must. Just do it all with unwavering conviction. Fucking. Own. That. Shit. Read more of Celine's wanderings over at her blog celineism.com, and on Instagram at @celineism for random ramblings. 73