From top to bottom: There
was hardly any sunlight as
we began the trek before the
climb; A local inhabitant bids
us good morning as we began
our hike to reach Mt. Batulao’s
highest peak at 811+ MASL;
As the sun peeked over the
horizon, the climb became
harder—not just because of the
sweltering heat but because
now that I had better lighting,
I had fewer shots!
These days most of us can’t survive
without our trusty gadgets. Our
smartphones and cameras have become
an integral part of our daily lives. We
have them with us every day, every
meal, every vacation, taking photos of
our Instagram-worthy experiences, to
share with our friends and family and
the rest of the world. It can lead one to
question how much we actually enjoy
our experiences, and how present we
truly are in every situation that we snap
photos of. So when I joined a group hike
to Mt. Batulao, I decided it was time to
ditch the electronics and go analog.