“The project gave me a
whole new perspective in
life. Knowing other people's
struggles and experiences in life
made me reflect on my own life
in some way.”
Tell us about the execution and the style used to depict
the subjects. How did you decide on the style?
Most people are ashamed to share their secrets. The
style of the portraits is distinct to the owner of the secret,
yet anonymous to everyone else.
What is your intended goal for the project beyond the
exhibit? What insights and realizations do you want
your viewers to grasp after seeing your artworks?
The project gave me a whole new perspective in life.
Knowing other people's struggles and experiences in life made
me reflect on my own life in some way. You are not alone.
From top: Day 61 “I’ve cheated on quite a few
guys. And now that I've found the love of my life, he
wasn't ready for me. He was seeing me while he was
seeing his ex. If there's any way to portray Karma
in its purest, most painful and justified form, this is
it.” Day 66 “I haven't been posting any photo with
my face on it since last year. I feel better than ever.”
The project tackles the issue of anonymity and how it
helps people communicate what they would otherwise
keep to themselves for fear of judgment and conflict.
After releasing their secrets in the cloak of anonymity,
what would you say is the next step? What are the pros
and cons to anonymity, and how does your project
reflect this?
A lot of people who sent a secret kept it to themselves for
so long. I think the project became an outlet for people to let
out thoughts and feelings they normally wouldn't tell anyone.
A lot of secrets I got came from different parts of the world.
I think the idea of sharing your secret to a person miles away
from you is quite liberating.