Kanto Kanto No. 4: Craft | Page 3

EDITOR’S NOTE I’ve always been more comfortable expressing myself artistically with my hands. The advent of technological advances in artistic expression―with the availability of newfangled tablets, 3D printers and apps―have introduced new, faster and more efficient ways by which to unleash one’s creative urges. But I’ve somewhat stayed resolutely traditional, especially when it comes to illustration. There is absolutely nothing wrong about embracing new mediums for expression, but something about the visceral, sensory quality of creating with one’s hand—the woody scent of pencils, the textured surfaces of paper, the lack of an “undo” button—makes drawing a live-in-the-moment type of activity for me. I guess it isn't a surprise that, eventually finding myself in the realm of print publication professionally, I’ve become a staunch champion of the print medium while also acknowledging today’s digital-led realities. All these observations made Kanto the journal it presently is: a balance of print-inspired design and editorial direction in an accessible digital package. This issue is a celebration of going back to the basics, creating with one’s hands; of the sensorial experiences, the myriad processes and the spontaneous moments that shape today’s handmade creations. It pays homage to the tried and tested techniques, to tradition, and how these age-old practices have held true and how they’ve been innovated on by today’s crop of talented creatives. We also forged a special collaboration for this issue with Lamana, the exclusive Philippine distributor of Ishinomaki Lab, the world’s first DIY furniture brand. Produced as part of its imminent product launch on April 2019, we realized the issue theme with a photoshoot that celebrates furniture craftsmanship and Japanese ingenuity, set amidst the sumptuous Philippine vernacular spaces of Artelano 11. View the full feature and the accompanying conversations with Lamana proponents Jar and Kay Concengco a few page swipes in. Mankind has come far with the giant leaps in technology we’ve enabled; there was never a time where doing things and expressing creativity been more easy and accessible. However, there will arguably always be something comfortable, familiar and relatable to all that is handmade that we yearn for. Hope you enjoy this issue! Patrick @patrick_kasingsing