Nouvelles de la FCNQ / FCNQ News\r\nDéveloppement économique\r\n\r\nEconomic Development\r\ncommunities for seven days doing the physical inventory and auditing of the cooperatives\r\nand according to Aurèle, I had passed the test!\r\nI travelled so much in the following years that\r\nmany people called me “Aureliapik” (little Aurèle) since Aurèle used to present the financial\r\nstatements and take the physical inventory. He\r\nalso had a reputation to uphold, as he was oftentimes known as “Santa Claus” because the\r\nCo-op Board of Directors would then accept\r\nand decide, with Aurèle’s recommendation,\r\non the amount of returns to members that\r\nwould be distributed to the Co-ops’ members.\r\n\r\namong the social economy organizations in\r\nNunavik.\r\n\r\nThe economic development department\r\nis responsible for planning, organizing and\r\nmanaging all projects related to economic development. Similarly, to strengthen the cooperative network in the South, I represent the\r\nFCNQ on different Board of Directors such\r\nas: Conseil québécois de la cooperation et de\r\nla mutualité (CQCM); Société de coopération\r\npour le développement international (SOCODEVI); Caisse d’économie solidaire Desjardins (CECOSOL ); Table des Fédérations\r\nSectorielles (cooperation among Federations\r\nof cooperatives in Québec); Regional Table\r\non Nunavik Social Economy, which is a newly\r\ncreated Table that encourages cooperation\r\n\r\nFrom June 2010