Nouvelles de la FCNQ / FCNQ News\r\nService de la comptabilité\r\n\r\nAccounting Services\r\n\r\n\r\nHello, my name is Janique Morin and I\r\nam the controller in the Accounting Department of the Fédération des Coopératives du Nouveau-Québec (FCNQ). Here\r\nis a brief overview of my career within the\r\nFCNQ: I started in October 1989 in the capacity of Assistant Controller. I was later\r\npromoted as Controller in January 2006\r\nand have since then held this position. To\r\ndate, I have worked 24 years for the FCNQ.\r\nThe Accounting Department under my\r\ncharge currently has a team of 11 employees, including: 3 Accounts payable technicians, 2 Invoicing technicians, 1 Accounting technician, 3 Accounting coordinators,\r\n\r\nPROMOTION SPÉCIALE\r\n\r\n1 Assistant controller and 1 Controller.\r\nWe are in charge of the FCNQ and the\r\nFédération’s subsidiaries listed below: La\r\nFédération des Coopératives du NouveauQuébec, FCNQ Construction Inc., Nunavik Pétro Inc., Voyages FCNQ Inc., Schefferville Petro Inc., Pétroles Naskinnuk\r\nS.E.C and Taqramut Transport Inc.\r\n\r\nHere are a few data reflecting the growth\r\nin sales figures over the years since I was\r\nhired:\r\n1989 : $20 million \r\n1999 : $52 million\r\n2009 : $189 million\r\n2012 : $215 million\r\n\r\nAccounting of the 14 FCNQ member cooperatives is under the charge of another\r\ndepartment adjoining ours.\r\n\r\nOver the years, the work team has had\r\nto follow this trend with the hiring of more\r\nqualified staff.\r\n\r\nThe Accounting Department of the\r\nFCNQ ensures data entry into the accounting systems, produces financial analyses\r\nand generates the member cooperatives’\r\nfinancial statements.\r\n\r\nThe FCNQ operates in a range of fields,\r\nincluding the distribution of goods and\r\npetroleum products, tourism, construction and maritime transport. Operating in\r\nsuch a wide range of activities automatically entails many interesting challenges in\r\naccounting, making the work quite stimulating.\r\n\r\nBetween the time I started in 1989 and\r\nnow, the organization has significantly expanded. This growth now involves a much\r\nlarger business volume to manage.\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nSPECIAL PROMOTION\r\n\r\nAchetez un nouveau récepteur HD (300,00$ +tx)\r\n\r\net obtenez le service de câble GRATUITEMENT pendant un (1) mois!\r\nProfitez d’une image plus nette et claire en visionnant vos téléséries, films et évènements sportifs préférés.\r\nAprès le mois de service gratuit, les frais de 5,00$ pour le forfait HD seront rajoutés à votre état de compte mensuel. Le service HD n’est compatible qu’avec les téléviseurs HD.\r\n\r\n\r\nPurchase a new HD receiver ($300.00 +tx)\r\n\r\n& get one (1) month of cable service for FREE!\r\nEnjoy a much crisper and clearer image when watching your favorite TV shows, movies and sports events.\r\nOnce the free month of service has ended, the HD package fee of $5.00 will be added to your monthly bill. HD services are only compatible with HD televisions.\r\n\r\n\r\nCâble TV coop\r\n\r\nCo-op Cable TV\r\n\r\n1-866-686-2845\r\n\r\n\r\n