Most of you have at least one favourite designer right?
Well this section is to show off a little of the hard work,the fashion designers here in Kaneva do.
Often people dont realise just how much work goes into the fashion side of designing,maybe thinking these things just make themselves and fly onto the stop pages.. lol well they most certainly do not,. They take alot of time and patience,and alot of skill.. its not easy taking a blank peice of white and turning it into a pair of jeans or a frilly dress lol anyhoo.. these are the designers that have stood out from the shop pages this month.
Not every designer can make these pages as its just not big enough lol but the stand out ones of this month are..
With her stand out style,everything is made perfect and she is a frequent fixture in the Kaneva shop
Another amazing designer here,always gracing the shop pages with perfect clothes.
Recently returned back to Kaneva.. and her dresses are just divine.. Good to see you back in the shop pages izannah
This girl makes some of the prettiest clothes always very ladylike,another frequent on the pages.
Leila is a constant shop sight,she makes very unique and trendy clothes,Ty for all you do Leila.
Very stylish clothes for men,everything he makes he puts so much detail into.
Need i say anymore,a legend in his own right,excellent!
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