December 2013
Gender Equality is Sexy
A Letter to the Editor
Dear Editor:!
“We’ve begun to raise daughters
more like sons…but few have the
courage to raise our sons like our
-Gloria Steinem
Thank you for ?nally calling attention to the widespread
epidemic of gender inequality and sexism in Cosmopolitan magazine.
Nearly every single month, their sexist headlines reinforce that
women should focus their time and energy on “pleasing their man’s
sexual cravings” and “looking great naked” in order to maintain the
heat in their relationships. Where are the articles that demonstrate
to men how to adequately communicate with their partners both
inside and outside of the bedroom? Better yet, what about making
e?orts to encourage women to educate themselves and ?ght for
gender equality in the workplace? Instead, Cosmopoliltan continues
to put forth that a woman’s workplace should be her bedroom…
that is when she’s not in the kitchen, of course!!
Note to Cosmo: you’re not teaching women to empower
themselves when you repeatedly advertise that their lifestyle
should ?t into a tightly wrapped, meticulously styled heterosexual
box. Stop labeling yourself as a “woman’s magazine” until you can