“There's
something
to
be
said
about
being
comfortable
in
your
own
skin.
That's
an
incredible
trait
to
have.
She's
not
trying
to
be
anyone
she's
not.
She's
not
trying
to
be
an
actress,
she's
not
trying
to
be
a
rapper.
She's
Brittney
Griner,
who
plays
basketball
at
the
highest
level,
and
off
the
court
can
get
along
with
anyone,”
-?Teammate,
Diana
Taurasi
“Duis
at
neque
eu
ligula
vehicula
feugiat.”
-?
Donec
vehicula
mauris
in
est
She
does
not
hide
her
tattoos,
conceal
her
sexual
identity,
or
masculinity
and
femininity
such
strong,
downplay
her
extraordinary
athletic
ability.
distinct
categories
that
any
slight
variation
of
She
can
dunk,
and
she
will.
She
likes
to
wear
these
constructed
definitions
creates
men’s
clothing,
and
she
will.
She
wants
to
controversy.
However,
Brittney
Griner
makes
date
women,
and
she
will.
While
society
tells
it
clear
that
she
does
not
see
these
two
us
these
things
are
wrong
and
unacceptable,
categories
as
important.
Brittney
is
Brittney
Brittney
shows
us
the
opposite.
She
is
a
and
if
she
falls
into
a
society-?accepted
role,
beautiful
woman
with
an
unprecedented
great,
but
if
she
doesn’t,
who
cares.
talent
in
basketball.
Why
should
she
be
Regardless
of
what
the
critics
say,
Brittney
is
criticized
for
the
way
she
looks,
acts,
or
loves?
showing
young
females
that
there
is
not
just
Our
society
has
become
so
obsessed
with
one
way
to
be
a
woman.
Her
teammate,
sexualizing
females
that
they
do
not
know
Diana
Taurasi,
puts
its
perfectly
when
she
how
to
handle
a
woman
that
refuses
to
give
in
says,
“’There's
something
to
be
said
about
to
that
unattainable,
sexual
image.
Men
are
being
comfortable
in
your
own
skin.
That's
an
threatened
by
Griner’s
outstanding
athletic
incredible
trait
to
have.
She's
not
trying
to
be
ability
while
women
are
too
insecure
about
anyone
she's
not.
She's
not
trying
to
be
an
their
own
image
to
accept
Griner
for
who
she
actress,
she's
not
trying
to
be
a
rapper.
She's
is.
We
have
grown
up
in
a
society
that
is
so
Brittney
Griner,
who
plays
basketball
at
the
bimodal
that
when
we
are
faced
with
highest
level,
and
off
the
court
can
get
along
situation
in
which
the
identity
of
a
person
is
with
anyone,’”
(Gleeson).
unknown,
we
panic.
Society
has
made