Kalptaru Herbal Therapy Centre Herbal Treatment of Uterus Prolapse | Page 3

Symptoms of uterine prolapse Symptoms of uterine prolapse can differ contingent on its severity. Typical symptoms of uterine prolapse take account of:          Pelvic weightiness or pulling Vaginal bleeding or an upsurge in vaginal discharge Problems with sexual intercourse Urinary leakage, holding of urine or bladder infections Bowel movement complications such as constipation Lower back pain Uterine protuberance from the vaginal opening Sensations of sitting on a ball or that something is dropping out of the vagina Sloppy vaginal tissue Trivial cases of uterine prolapse may be asymptomatic. Symptoms that do present often become shoddier in the later part of the day. Causes of uterine prolapse Uterine prolapse is the outcome of lax pelvic floor muscles that can be triggered by a multitude of conditions: