Kalliope 2015 | Page 98

Antagonist by Katrina Eckel After all, it didn’t really matter what I thought Before I had decided, you were already in motion Careening down the path of your life Daring to take the hits as they came and I looked at my hands Evaporating into the still night air Fearful that they’d disappear if I moved too fast Gathering the courage to breathe in even measures Hating that I could only watch you run as I simply sat, dissolving into nonexistence and you Joked that it was because I had nothing to hold me together making Knives of your words and they cut me and I just Looked at the cuts they left, the faint grains of sand rising and dissipating My blood like little particles of moonlight Nothing to hold them together. Opening my eyes was the hardest of all Painful even when I saw that it was you with your Quick tongue and reckless laughter Rushing through life as though you wanted to be the first Staggering through the ribbon at the finish line Trying to pretend that to you nothing mattered, but I Understood now that it wasn’t something you were running to Visibly trying to seem untouched Watching me from the corner of your eye the whole time with Xerox copies of a smile you’d perfected long ago Youth was bleeding from you as surely as it was from me, and Zipping through life hadn’t saved you at all. 98