Kalliope 2015 | Page 175

happy birthday!” he holds his arms out to me for a hug. I hesitantly hug him and say thank you. He’s normally not so affectionate. “He’s already on his third beer,” Jess says to me with a smile and slight eye roll. “Well then, I need to catch up!” Johnny says. “What do you want, babe?” “I’ll take a margarita.” Johnny and Tom walk over to the bar and I slide into the booth across from Jess. “You look great, too.” She’s wearing a white pantsuit and parted her hair to one side in an attempt to look like Christina Applegate’s character, also from “Anchorman.” “Thanks. It’s funny, I actually wore it to my internship today and my boss was so impressed with how professional I looked.” She throws a giggle in at the end of her sentence and then mutters, “Everyone else thought I was Hillary Clinton.” We laugh an