And then you were finally reunited?
Yes, my dear Eros finally took pity on me after all this. I mean, it’s the effort that counts right? He snuck out of his Mother’s house and came to wake me up. By that point neither of us wanted to risk Aphrodite’s rath, although she should have been grateful really, since I took a hit for her with that sleeping spell. My beloved went straight to Zeus and got permission for us to marry properly, and better still, for my becoming an immortal! I never cared much for being worshipped, but eternity with my Eros was all I’d ever wanted.
Tell us about your wedding plans!
Well, we’re going to do it properly this time! Vulcan’s doing the food, he does an amazing roast. The Hours and the Graces are taking care of the floral arrangements, I want lots of roses! The Muses will be singing for us of course, with Apollo on harp and I hear even Pan and his Satyrs have something special in mind, although that worries me a bit. Anyhow, I know this time it’s going to be just perfect.
Do you have any advice for others seeking true love?
Don’t give up! When you find Mr Right, persue him to Hades and back if you have to. Don’t let his mother boss you around too much and accept help from strangers, even if they are ants or talking buildings. It all goes to show if you hang in there and persevere even the Gods have to take pity on you eventually.