Greetings and welcome to the eleventh issue of Kaleidoscope! From the transcendent
love of Tristan and Iseult to the vampire romance of Edward and Bella, love is a theme that
has been explored by many writers and artists over the past centuries. In this issue, our writers presented their own interpretation of a “love story” and turned the universal feeling into
personal and unique stories.
The issue is the first joined effort of Class of 2017 an 2018. The expansion of the
Illustrators this year allowed the magazine to be filled with even more colorful, high-quality
drawings that capture and depict the themes and important symbols of each literary work.
Also, with the new members, Kaleidoscope worked to ‘connect’ with students, parents, faculty, and the community and foster an interest in literature. Holding a poetry exhibition with the
theme ‘People’, we tried to show people how literature can be inspired by anything or anyone
– comic superheroes, a global pop star, an inspiring movie character, and even a teacher teaching at HAFS! The beginning of the biweekly poem recommendations (which later switched
to weekly literature recommendations) was another attempt to give people and chance to read
and encounter great literary works. Finally, with the profit earned from fundraising and selling
magazines, we donated over sixty English children’s books to the Mohyeon Library nearby,
connecting with the community beyond HAFS.
Coming back to the eleventh issue, I would like to encourage all readers to think about
their own “love stories” as they read the works and admire the drawings. Enjoy reading and
as our motto says, ‘Look into your kaleidoscope of creativity!’