Kaleidoscope Magazine Egypt Issue 6 | Page 27

Poetry Corner

A Fever Is a Blessing

By : Mary Zarief

As soon as winter sits on the weather throne , you win a fever almost every week . And though this sounds insane , each time is a new blessing !
The first week you grab a book , and decide you can still read . But the moment you open it , the words start to swim until they reach the shore , and land on your very hands , only to jump in the air and turn into people and trees that keep you company till you get better !
The next time the fever hits you , you think you should just watch TV . Ten minutes through a comedy , the actors turn into ghosts , and you feel all the lights gradually get too dim that , had you not taken your medicine , you would be sure you lived in a haunted house !
When you get feverish again , you know you have to sleep . You go straight to bed with your sore throat and your light head ; too light , in fact , that your pillow becomes a cloud and flies your head in a purple sky . interstel . net
You look through the fluttering veils of your drooping eyelashes , and watch the furniture dance in your room ! Now you know a fever is a blessing because no matter what you do , you always end up in Dreamland !