KALEIDOS Number 3 | Page 133

So we met in front of a Korean cafe and she came and I quote her words “dressed in a

black milk"... Congratulations to all of you who might know the meaning of such

expression, however to those like myself who don’t, it';s a synonymous of disco girl.

The place I chose to meet was horrid as one may easily realise… so she was kind enough to invite me to visit her favourite place: the LeVillage Bardeco. If I was a real journalist, I would have invited her straight there! But I evidently have a long way to walk… Et voilà, we found ourselves in a magnificent breath-taking land with the most perfect an atmosphere for a Tango... Nime actually changed her dress - red and black gorgeous dress, which made me think that maybe we should have a dance... but I was trying to act as a journalist, so I followed her along the sim in which she actually lives discovering that kaleidoscopical personality which I mentioned earlier.

I noted one sentence which I felt it represents her so well:

"J'aime détourner les objets et les utiliser autrement que comme ils doivent l'être".

I won't translate it since it will lose the poetry of the French, but I would say that, looking at things in an unconventional way, is her own attitude.

I suggest you all to take a walk in LeVillage Bardeco (Hot Bodies (223,34,23)), you may

meet her in front of Mr Gainsbourg, believe me, you won't be disappointed.

Samuel Moorsider
