good play, and so does it a good movie. The heavy work lies in the hands of the screenwriter who will be tasked with the adaptation. But Shackles of Doom already has the foundations for a good screenplay. Let’s look at the elements, as simplified from Yorke.
from among Kimani’s people; Kamau, Njeri, Karanja, Maina, Mwangi, Wainaina, Wangeci, Njeri A, Njeri B , Njeri C…. The sons of Cana inevitably protest, and ‘for purposes of cohesion and intergration, “ Lopush is appointed- as a watchman!
1. The Protagonist
This is the main act in the script. Someone upon whom the story revolves around. In Shackles Of Doom, it is Wamaitha, a woman who is forcefully married to Lopush from the Land of Cana, so that her people can find an access route to the Oil wealth in Cana.
5. The Journey
Essentially, this is the flesh of the story after the inciting incident. A writer induces his own twists and turns to build up the story towards the climax. Sub-plots in the play inc