KALASHA Chronicle 001 | Page 17

then Managing Director of the Kenya Tourist Board, “The most important one being the varied terrain and landscapes. Kenya offers up images of every extreme – from enchanting beauty to gritty ruggedness. But not only is our terrain varied, so is our culture. We are host to over 80 different African tribes. Our land and people are so colourful.” In 2002 alone Kenya attracted over 300 filmmakers to Kenya. Its abundant wildlife attracts an immense amount of documentary filmmakers. To date, documentaries consist of over half of the films shot in Kenya. The local film actors and actress have not been left behind. Local talent Nick Mutuma of the Shuga Series has been shortlisted as one of the lead actors for a Hollywood project coming up this year. Local Kenyan series have been screened across Africa. The latest one being Changes on M-net. Other talents such as Nick Ndeda have been exported to act in popular African series Jacob’s Cross with Kevin Ndege also making some major moves in the Africa movie scenes. “I was not surprised when Kenya’s own Lupita Nyongo was picked to star alongside one of Hollywood’s greatest, Brad Pitt. Kenya’s actors and actress have a natural delivery when it comes to film productions and our productions are of high quality,” says Maureen Koech, Kenya’s actress of Kenya’s local drama series Lies that Bind and recent winner of Best Supporting Actress in the Africa Magic Viewers’ Choice Awards (AMVCA). Kenya’s strict anti-piracy policies and copyright laws seem to have recently bowed down to pressure has now provided a conducive environment for Film production. It is estimated that the Kenyan f [H[?\??H8?$?????[[?[?\??][?[?[\?8?$?]?H[??X?Y?? ? K??[[??H?[?X[?X???^HX???[???H?[?XH?]?[?YH]]?]K?[??\?\?H?X??Y[\??]?H??[?H??][?\?][?[X?X[??\?H\??]??[?\?]Y?HH?[H[?\??H[??[?XH???]X[Y?Y\?????\?Y???X?[?[?\?]???H?[?XH??\?Y???\? ?P???H\?H?]H???][?\?X?\?Y[?\?H??\?Y?X?? ? K?YZ[?\?\?[?[????H??\?Y?[??[]Y?Y????X?[?[??[?XK?^H?Y[H??H?[????YH????H?HXZ???[??[????P???\??Y?\?\?[????\?Y?????[?YZ[?\?\?[??H[?\\?X?H?X?\?]H]?X?K????\??P???\?H?[\H[?Y??X?]?H???Y\?[?Y?\??][???X?\?H]?YZ???[???\?Y?H?Y?\??][??H?X]??[?H?[H[?\??K??[H?H?[?????\][H?\?H?\?XY?[?\?H?[? X[?H[?Y\?\?H?Z[????[???]Y??X?K?Z\??[X?\???Y??\?]]????X?][??HX???^H???H?? X?[[??]?Y[? ? [? ? L?\???H??? H?[[??[??\?H?]?[?\???\?YX\?????&\?XY?X\??][??[^][?H\??Y\?]]?[??Y???]Y??X?H\?H?[???H?[HXZ?[???\?[?\???[?XH?[XZ[??H?\?X?H???X?H]][?X?Y??X?[?[?Y\?8?'H??]Y??X?[?X\??]\???][?Y]?[???]\??X[?[?Y\??][????[?\??Z[??\?Y?\X??\?[?\?]\??X[???][??[?]8?&\???^H]?HX\??]Y] ?8?'???HH??]\??Y??X?H???Y??X?H\?H\??X[H??H?]\?X?H???X?HY??X?[??[]Y[?Y\?[??[?XK]?H[?H?Y[??\??[?H?XX?\??H[?[?Z[????X??]?\??\??[????'HH??\?[^??[?Y\??\??YH?\?\?][??\???H?[H[?\??H[??[?XH??XX?]??[?[?X[?[?[??X[[??[?]?\?]?H??H[???\?Y?Y??[?H?[HXZ?\?????YH??[?XK?8?'?[?[?\??][?[?[HXZ?\??XZ?HZ\??^H[???[?XK?]\[??\?H?[??\?????Y?K?\???[[??\?H????H??[?[H[?\??K8?'HH?^\????^\?[??H?X?]?[??]^?][?\??[?^H????[?H??X?\????\????Y\?[???[?XH\?H?Y??\?\?[?][????]?\???[??YY??]?[?H?Z\???[H??X?Y?[??[?x?&[HY]??YHH?[?[XH[?X???[H??Y[????[H??X?Y??X???'H\?H[?H]?H] ?H?[\?[?[?\???\?B??BB?????X?H?[H ? L?? MB??