As for the months to follow few predicted what would become of the movie as its fame and popularity became too big to be confined within the Kenyan borders. Described as a ‘hard-hitting Kenyan movie about gang culture’ by International media house CNN, the movie became Kenya’s first-ever film to be considered for an Oscar. Though the nomination never went through in the begining of the year when the final Oscars nomination list was announced, it showed the prowess of the movie and how far its authentic script went far in telling Africa’s story by Africans and precisely by East Africans-Kenya. “Nairobi Half Life” was also shown at Film Africa 2012, which took place in the historical city of London. “We keep saying crime is wrong, but are we really looking at why there is crime? I don’t believe Kenyans get into crime for fun and giggles,” Tosh Gitonga was quoted to have said by CNN. In March 2013 night, Nairobi Half Life screened in one of nearly 50 cinema halls across the USA after which audiences were asked to vote for it to get an additional full week at the cinemas. If more than 51 percent of the audiences voted yes, then the cinema would bring the film back. Remarkably nearly 100 percent of the audiences voted a resounding yes! The Manhattan short film project, based in New York reported in its official website that Nairobi Half Life would return to cinemas across the United States after its successful screening in the Feature Film Project in March. Breaking into H[?\??][?[[?YHX\??]Y??XZ?H?Z\??H[?Y?B??????H?[X??]Y?X??]?YH[?Y??X?H\?H?ZY?X?X?[??]?HY??X?[?[?YHX?Y[^H]?\??Y??X?x?&\?[??X??X??[H]?[?[?[[??X[H?]?\?Y??X?[??[[XZ?\???[YH?[[??X\?H\?YX\??Z\??H[?Y?H?\???Z[?]Y???\??[KX?Y]?[Y[?[???[??X??X?Y]?[Y[?[???[?X?Y]?[Y[?[??[?[X]??\KX?Y]?[Y[?[?Y][??[??\??[H[?[?Y??X?[?[??XY?K????]??H?\???Z[?]Y??H?\?\?X??]?\??[HH[?Yx?&\?XYX?B???]??H8?&??8?&H[???[?XHXZ[?B?????\?Z\?[]K?\???Z[?]Y???\???Z\?[??X?????[?XHXZ[?K[??HXZ[??\?[?H?[K?\???Z[?]Y???\?X??[?H?\?[????K?H??Z[?Y\??\?H?[YY[?[???KX[]?K[??\?H??Y??H]?\?\?H?HX[]?H?\?Y[???X?H?[?K?H]?\???\?H]\?[[?H?Y?\?X[??]H??^Y[?H?\?[?K??Z\??H[?Y?H?[YH[??X??[?\?\???[X?\???]Y??Y\?[[?[?KH??]Y??X?[??[HX??]H]Y?[??Y?H?YX]K??\?????Y\??]?[??\?YX]H????[?H?HY?H??\?\?[?8?&\?\??[??[Y[???\??X\??HH?[????LH??Z[?][??]?Y[\??Z\??H[?Y?H?[?Y\?[?[??Y?Z\?\???X[??H]?[??\?\?[?][??????K?[?]\??K^H??HH???[?H???B??\?[]B??BH???X?H?[H?L??L?L??S?H?L??ST?H???X?\??